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Activity-sheet for students on the occasion of Constitution Day

  Constitution of India

Activity-sheet for students on the occasion of Constitution Day 

We regularly recite the national anthem, pledge, Vandemataram and the Preamble of the Constitution of India during the school assembly. Through this activity sheet, we will introduce the purpose of the Constitution of India, how was it drafted, who drafted it, how the constitution-drafting process was initiated.

          We celebrate 26th November as Indian Constitution Day. 

 Let us introduce the objectives of the Constitution of India by doing the following activities till Constitution Day.

Watch this condensed version of Episode 10 of 

Samvidhan : From Preamble to the Final Draft and beyond 

 before attempting  activities

Activity 1:

 Write the national anthem, pledge, Vandemataram and  the Preamble of the Constitution of India, which we recite daily in school assembly. Recall the word and write without referring to textbooks.


Activity 2:

 Below is a link to the short film 'India: The Spirit of Freedom' which explains the relationship between the Indian Freedom struggle and the Constitution of Independent India. 

After watching the short film, if you like it, share it with a friend and have a chat with him about what you liked and understood about the short film on WhatsApp, Messenger and share it with the teacher.

India : The Spirit of Freedom  

Activity 3:

 The Constitution of India is given in Marathi, English and Hindi. Complete the table below by reading it. Sample words are given in the first three rows. Find parallel words to complete the table. In the last column write a synonym for the word in your mother tongue 





Mother tongue






























Activity 4 :  

Write the answers to the following questions

1.    Fill in the blocks below with Keywords related to the word: Freedom

        2.  The following picture relates to which value of the Constitution of India?  What does the Preamble of the Constitution say about this value?

            3. To whom the Preamble of the constitution of India is dedicated?

      4. Explain in your own words the meaning of the two elements from the Preamble of the constitution of India 'The dignity of the individual and the unity of the Nation' regarding anyone value mentioned in the Preamble.  

Activity 5 : 

 Rajya Sabha's YouTube channel has ten episodes of the series 'Constitution: Making of the Indian Constitution' is directed by Sham Benegal Rajya, These episodes were aired in 2014 on Doordarshan’s Rajya Sabha channel. These episodes are useful to understand many concepts in civics and many provisions of the Indian Constitution were finalized. The series is available in both Hindi and English languages. Make a note of the following points while watching the tenth episode of 'Constitution: Making of the Indian Constitution.     

Making of the Constitution Episode 10 

1.     Which historical leaders participated in the discussion on the Preamble of the Constitution of India?

2.    What changes were suggested on the proposed draft of Preamble?

3.    Write opinion of constituent assembly members for anyone value which became an integral part of Preamble of constitution. 





The First Step: Cabinet Mission To Objectives Resolution


Independence: A Divided Legacy


Independent India: Righting Fundamental Wrongs with Fundamental Rights 


People's Rights, Principles of Governance and Duties


Strengthening The Weak: Minority, Women and Backward Rights


Whose Land Is It?: Land Reforms And Acquisition


Link Language: Hindi Or Hindustani?


Federalism: Linking The States And The Centre


Three Pillars: Executive, Legislature, Judiciary


From Preamble to the Final Draft and beyond

For teachers: 

Why the title of the eighth standard book is 'History and Civics' and the title of the tenth book is 'History and Political Science'?

Prashant Divekar

                                                                                                        Jnana Prabodhini, Pune


  1. नेहमप्रमाणेच खूप महत्वपूर्ण


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