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Task Instructions for PBL Guide Teachers : Enriching Skills Required for PBL


Task Instructions for PBL Guide Teachers

Thoughts on Enriching Skills Required for PBL


To enrich the understanding of skill enrichment required for Project-Based Learning (PBL) by developing a comprehensive mind map and writing a short note.


1.    Review Shared Diagram:

Begin by reviewing the diagram that lists a few skills required for project work, which has been shared with you along with activity instructions.

2.    Expand the Skill List:

Add to the list of skills required for effective project work.

3.    Develop a Mind Map:

Create a new mind map that represents the importance and scope of skill enrichment for PBL, Organize the skills into categories and show their relationships and interdependencies.

4.    Write a Short Note:

·       Based on your mind map, write a short note covering the following points:

·       Importance of Skill Enrichment to Enhance student engagement and PBL outcomes.

·       Ideas to Work with Students: Suggest practical ways to work with students for skill enrichment.

·       Current School Activities: Identify current school activities that help acquire skills.

·       Ideas for New Activities:  Propose new activities to further develop PBL skills.

·       Importance of Activity Sheets Development: Discuss the importance of developing activity sheets for specific skills.


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