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Problem-Based Projects : 2 Subject-wise Examples of Problem-based Project:

  Project-Based Learning (PBL): Learning in Action! 8

Problem-Based Projects : 2 

Subject-wise Examples of Problem-based Project: 


·        Study of the environmental impact of a proposed expansion project on the school campus, considering factors like habitat disruption, waste management, energy consumption, sustainability etc. 

·        Investigating the energy consumption patterns within the residential complex, identifying opportunities for energy-efficient upgrades to reduce environmental impact.

·        Exploring the dietary habits and nutrition of classmates to suggest health wellness programs.

·        Studying the safety and quality of produce in the vegetable market or glossary shop, assessing factors like pesticide use, storage, and hygiene.

·        Exploring methods to reduce food waste and extend the shelf life of products in grocery shops.  


·        Study of optimizing the allocation of learning spaces and classrooms for various classes and extracurricular activities.

·        Learning about Budget and Expense Management of the residential complex, accounting for maintenance, utilities, and community services.

·        Study of time management and effective study habits of classmates.

·        Learning about pricing strategies, supply and demand dynamics, and economic sustainability in the vegetable market.

·        Study of inventory management, ordering quantities, and stock rotation for grocery shop items.

Social Science:

·        Study of methods used by the school for community engagement and suggest methods to enhance community engagement within the school campus.

·        study of conflicts or disputes among residents and methods for addressing them in the residential complex.

·        Learning about health challenges faced by classmates and finding solutions based on causes. 

·        Exploring the social interactions and relationships between vendors and customers in the vegetable market. 

·        Learning about consumer behaviour and marketing techniques used in grocery shops. 


·        Study different nameplates and instruction panels on the school campus and design new plates and instruction boards on the school campus by identifying needs. 

·        Study of linguistic diversity within the residential complex. 

·        Study of language used in the vegetable market and suggest marketing gingals, slogans and instruction boards for market management. 

·        Study of product labelling for grocery shop items, and suggest methods to diverse customer needs. 

Problem-based projects prepare students to tackle multifaceted challenges in the real world by fostering a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of different subjects and the practical application of their learning.

Prashant Divekar 

Jnana Prabodhini, Pune


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