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The Healing Knife!!

The Healing Knife!!

Seventeen-year-old George, was a lieutenant in the White Russian Navy. He was sent on an open front against a group of Bolshevik soldiers. Upon landing on the coast, his detachment was ordered to attack the Bolshevik trench. 

George led his detachment and launched a fierce attack on the ditch. The war gun firing storms. Descending into the ditch, bayonets and the swords began to ring. Wounded soldiers were sent back to the base and replaced by new soldiers. One of George's friends got a bullet shot while fighting. As soon as he saw the hit, George sent help to his place, sending his friend back to the basecamp for medical aid.

In the evening, the intensity of the battle subsided. Both sides retreated at appropriate distances and secured their respective fronts. That night after returning to the basecamp, George while interrogating wounded soldiers, found his friend in a makeshift treatment centre lit by torches and fires.  The friend was badly injured and had gone into mourning. George inquired about his health to the nurse at the base. The nurse told him that the bullet had penetrated his ribs and had been injuring his lungs. It was not possible to remove the bullet as there was no surgeon at the base. So he was only a companion for a few hours.

George thought for a long time. ‘This fellow could not be surviving if the bullet was not removed; so why should he not do the surgery in this emergency? With the help of a nurse, George warmed up his combat knife in fire and took out the bullet.

George was sitting in the barracks after the surgery. The thought came to his mind that till today, I have wounded many men with this knife; taken the lives of many, but for the first time I am saving somebody's life!’

By morning his friend's condition improved to emerge from the brink of death. Seeing his friend healed, George made an important decision in life; ‘Till today I used my skills with a knife to take the lives of people, but now I will use them to give life to people.’

The next chapters of the book narrates the fanciful story of how a soldier becomes a surgeon. ‘‘The Healing Knife’, is one of my favorite books.

The same knife, But some use it to kill, some use it to protect the countrymen, some to save lives!! That's it! 

The story captures the heart of a soldier who thinks that he can use the weapons in his arsenal to save lives instead of killing people. 

Many such thoughts come to our mind

 But are we attentive enough to pick up on those thoughts?

Even if we are alert and thoughtful,

Do we have that vigilance and determination to act like George? 

The same thought ascended unexpectedly in the life of a young lawyer when he was thrown at the Pietermaritzburg railway station in South Africa. The young man was aware enough to capture that thought and because of this cautiousness, he became a young ‘Mahatma’.

Suddenly, a leper appeared in front of a young man, who was disgusted at the first sight of leper, but without running away from the patient, he was careful enough to catch the thought 'I should see him and treat him. This caution made him a young 'Mahasevak'.

A young man was chased by a gang of monkeys. Seeing the young man running away from the monkey attack, a monk said, "Hey! Why are you running away? Turn back and face the situation." In those circumstances; instead of saying, "Hey! Hermit, a crisis has befallen on me, and instead of providing the help you are giving me advice.” The young man, who was adequately vigilant to pick up the message given by the Hermit became a 'Warrior Monk' 

Are we enough cautious to capture the inner thoughts i.e. the 'inner voice’?

If Yes, Then a 'Killing Knife' can become ‘A Healing Knife’. 

That is why Shri Samarth Ramdas Swami

Appeals to Shri Ram in one of his entreaties,

‘Hey! Rama, Please bless me with conscious!!’

‘Savdhapan maj dere Ram!!’

सावधपण मज देरे राम!!’

सावधपण मज देरे राम!!’

                                                                                                    Prashant Divekar

Jnana Prabodhini, Pune


  1. Wonderful, thoughtful article, great sir! Thanks

  2. Very enlightening!! We are so drawn into our day to day life and the external routine narratives, we fail to think deeper critically. You have given a great message that clarifies how some people become great!!

  3. Channawar's e Vidya Mandir yelakeli , wardha ( TEJASWINI DANDEKAR 10 A1)June 26, 2021 at 8:56 AM

    Seventeen years old George gave us the beautiful moral . He took the best decision on the time. He told us that how we can use a resource or thing at our best . On the right time he took the right decision and saved his friend . The friend might be dead if George would not take right decision on the time. He told us that THE KNIFE WHICH HAVE TOOK LIVES OF PEOPLE, CAN ALSO BE USED TO SAVE THEM. Though George was not a doctor nor surgeon but still atleast he tried to save someone's life. This teaches us that TRY but don't give up because victory is waiting for your one more effort. This story gave us many life lessons from which we should them and also apply them in the situations...✨

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. George teaches us to make use of the resources we have for the betterment of others and not for the destruction. He took the right decision at the right time and saved his friend. In the same way, taking right decision at the right time can save us from the current pandemic. Being cautious can save us from a great danger and it is not greed to be cautious. We should be thankful to god for whatever he has given us. If we still want something from him, we can ask him for cautiousness and ability to take right decision at the right time.
    - Reva Raspaile XA1 (Channawar's e Vidya Mandir, Wardha)

  6. This is a very interesting and educational article for all and this have changed thinking 🤔of my mind .

    I use feel that taking some once life or killing someone needs efforts then giving life to someone but this story told or clead or opened my eyes and help me to know the exact situation which was ' taking someone's life is very easy whereas to save or give someone a life is very difficult this needs a lot effort and to do this efforts the person needs a big heart ❤ '

    Just while reading this article I had a thought that if every person in the world will use the knife🔪🗡️ to heal or cure someone instead of killing there would be no violence in the world everyone will be happy 😊 and will have a feeling to do seva.

    And I feel that this seva bhav is very necessary for every person in this universe.

    Know we should all understand that the GOD has given us a human life (which is also knowned to be a very beautiful life on this universe ) and also we have a lot skills so we should use it in a very good manner . We should not waste this skills in doing negative things instead we should always use this in positive work (seva). And we are always made aware by the spiritual leaders(saints) to do seva so that we can be a God for at least a person and also here doing meditation may also help us more to do seva or in bring positivity in a human mind or brain.

    Thank you for reading
    - Shrinath Choube XA1 (Channawar's 'e' Vidya Mandir, Wardha)

  7. As each and everything on the earth has its pros and cons same way in this story " KNIFE " which was first used by george to kill someone in his operations as he was in the Navy. But now he used the better invisible side of the knife (positive) to remove the bullet from friends body which tells us each thing has good sides but to analyse and check what is good and bad is our work ...Same way life takes exams for taking out your good things in you ..But only thing you have to do is utilising your intelligence.And also if you got something internally that's really not made for you but to share with everyone and making them happy 😊

    *Humanity value was best , is best, will be best for society.*

    Medhavi Sawai
    10th A1
    Channwars e vidya mandir ,wardha

  8. MORAL:"Everything has positive and negative side " it depends on us what we have to choose.Having a skill is not much important but using it in right direction is the most important .George was having a skill but he never uses it for betterment of people . He didn't realise that he can make use of his skills to help others ,to save their lives.But as soon as he realise he decieded to walk on the positive path.George teaches us that one succeds when he realises that he choose a wrong path and starts walking on positive paths.. When you've acknowledged your mistake, think about what you could do to prevent it from happening again. ........ Name:Krutika Talwekar Class :10th A1 Channawar's e vidya mandir

  9. ," *It is very easy to take someone's life but it is very difficult to give some one a life* "😇
    George was blessed with the best knife skill but earlier he used it only to take someone 's life but now he used his skills to give someone a new life to live .
    👉MORAL : we humans are very fortunate that we all blessed with different skills but it is also important to make the use of these skills for betterment of society and people . You can be a GOD for someone if you use your skillls for betterment of someone and you can also be a DEMON for destracting someone's life . Making bad use of your skills will make you smile but using these for betterment of someone will make them smile.🙂
    "Every thing in this world has both positive as well as negative side it only depends how you look at this "
    Life gives you many chance to prove your skills but the correct time and correct decision will make these skills more beautiful .
    It is truly said that :
    ' use your skills at correct time ' George has taken decision at right time and that is why he was able to save his freind's life .
    " *_You are given this skills not just for yourself but always remember that it is given to you also for betterment of people and society "_*🙂
    'Spread happiness
    With proper utilisation
    Of your skills '
    Name - amit shenwai
    School - channawars e vidya mandir wardha .

  10. George, one of the lieutenant in Russian navy, was appointed there against Bolsheviks with one and only one aim : Kill or Die..
    In the evening after watching his badly injured friend, his sharp mind started thinking about his friend's last hours.. And he conducts a surgery successfully with a killing knife!
    This story reflects a very deep meaning.. The killing knife became a healing knife for a dying soldier. Same as George saw beautiful lotus in mud (good in worse) he teaches us that *nothing is good or bad on its own, the action of the beholder decides whether it is good or bad.* Just as you have got a supernatural super power and you are using it for people's betterment. Neither for your greed nor for harming someone. Same as _beauty lies in the eyes of beholder.._ 😊
    Life at every moment is a new war. The way you handle it reflects you.
    It is easy to break something than to join.
    Just as George saved a life of his friend.
    Every thing has its own properties, the way you use it matters 😇
    Also, if George had not kept self confidence on himself, the soldier had been passed away earlier. This also teaches us that self confidence and will power are two pillars of your personality. You should look after them.
    - Amogh Vyas, 10 A1
    Channawar's 'e' Vidya Mandir.

  11. From the very first page until the last the story told was not only true but also the determination of the author to overcome all prejudices against him albeit from the very people he worked for or from the officialdom he came across!
    The story opens with the writer as a young Russian naval officer leading his men in an attack on a Bolshevik trench.There is a retreat and then in an extremely bold operation assisted by nurses he saves the life of a friend wounded on the battlefield.A bullet is lodged near the membrane of the heart and the operation is successful removing the alien pressure. George feels the relief he has brought and now he wants to use his skill to help humanity. Providing a glimpse into a period of rapid change in the worlds of medicine in general surgery in particular and the dedication of one man in his life's ambition. It was an exhilarating and inspiring story!!
    *When change makes us better, it's because we have learned how to turn a challenge* ��, *not merely because change happens.*

    Thankyou for this inspirational story.
    Name: Radhika S. Sakharkar
    Class: 10th A1(Channawar's e Vidya Mandir yelakeli , wardha)

  12. George, a 17yrs lieutenant in the White Russian Army, with his detachment attacked the bolshevik trench. George made a powerful attack on the ditch, bayonets(blade attached to the muzzle of gun) began to ring. Injured soldiers were sent back.
    George's friend was shot by bullet on the chest.
    He sent him to the base camp. Till evening both forces subsided the intensity and secured their respective fronts.
    When George saw him friend, he was in sorrow.
    He inquired about his friend's health and found that he was a companion of few hours only as the bullet penetrated his rib and was damaging lungs.
    As lack of equipment they were not able to remove the bullet. George came front and he warmed him knife and removed the bullet.

    Here we can see how a soldier can be a life saver, with lack of equipment and help also he saved his friend's life.

    So, we can see that *what material do we have doesn't matter at all, the only thing which matters is the way we use it.*

    Here a *life taking* knife becomes a *life saving* knife.

    It shows that anything we have can be made a dangerous weapon and also be made info a life saver...

    Thank you ma'am for such a nice Inspiring story, I don't know it's true or not but the thoughts of the author were true.

    -Om. A. Channawar,
    10th A1
    Channawar's 'e' Vidya Mandir, Wardha

  13. *Taking of a proper decision out of two thoughts in our mind is quite tough at times.* George is a great human being with humanity. The thought of saving his friend came over his duty which led to take a good decision of using knife in a bit different way as he usually do.

    Though this would be a fictional story but the morals are really true.
    A person who knows humanity is always knowing about at what times something is more important than duty.

    Thought process is different in every person which also makes diffrence. George thought that knife can't be used only for quarreling or for taking one's life but also for giving life to someone. This was George's great decision.

    *Making a proper decision can always be proved better for not only us but sometimes for others too* as here his decision saved his friend's life.

    As there was no surgen to take out the bullet, George did not got disappointed but he used his weapon in different way to handle situation.

    *Everyone use different objects for daily use but it makes diffrence when we use it in a different manner to tackle the hard time.*

    George not only saved one's life but also taught lessons to all the readers of the story. So, I feel he did his work now it's our time to learn these morals and try to implement in our life.

    Paridhi Muttyamwar X A1
    Channawar's 'e' Vidya Mandir, Wardha.

  14. Sometimes we find ourselves in a tough situation where we have to take an immediate decision. In such times, we have to be cautious to hear our inner voice. Even if we understand what our inner self wants to be done, we neglect it many a time, thinking that it's a rubbish kinda thing and impossible to do that way, because we need courage and confidence to work on our self thoughts. In this story, George carries out the surgery even not being a surgeon. And to astonishment, he is only 17.
    So, we must learn something that we found interesting from this wonderful story.

  15. One of the lieutenant in the White Russian Navy , George was trained in a manner that he was able to take a perfect decision and also the results were the best. He used his cruel knife that had wounded and also killed many people was in a use to save his companion from his worst hours of life. Who had ever thought that the hot , sizzling knife can be used as a healer to any one ? This tells us that we must be very passionate towards our service and always try to lend our hand towards everyone..
    Aditya Bagal
    Channawar's E Vidya Mandir.

  16. Sometimes we find ourselves in a tough situation where we have to take an immediate decision.If the decisions taken at those critical moments comes out as betterment of someone then those creates great effect on our heart and mind.

    As in this story George use his killing knife as a healing knife to save his friend.If he would have not taken that decision he might have lost his friend.This decision made an great impact on George's mind that even a knife he used to kill many soul can also be used to save them.

    As it is said that every things has two faces so it becomes our duty to find out both sides of object(positive and negative).

    This story has given me many life lessons which I will really try to use in my life and improve myself.

    -Pratiksha Potdukhe
    10th A1
    Channawars e vidya mandir,Wardha.


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