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NCF 2023: Theme-based approach in Social Science

 Analyzing a Concept with reference to NCF 2023: Social Science


NCF 2023: Theme-based approach in Social Science


The National Curriculum Framework promotes a theme-based approach in social science education that cuts across multiple levels and encourages students to think critically and holistically through the integration of various social science disciplines. This approach aims to provide students with a well-rounded education that is rooted in real-world issues and encourages a deeper understanding of the complexities of society.

The National Curriculum Framework focuses on theme-based learning in social science by emphasizing multidisciplinary thinking through an interdisciplinary approach. It does this by:

1.    Themes for Holistic Real-life Perspective Building:

The framework introduces thematic learning to provide a holistic and real-life perspective to students. These themes cut across four levels - local, regional, national, and global/international. This approach allows students to understand complex issues from various angles.


2.    Criteria for Choosing Themes:

The curriculum framework outlines specific criteria for selecting themes, ensuring that they are relevant, engaging, and address critical societal issues. This ensures that students connect their learning to real-world problems.


3.    Themes Used in the NCF Document:

The document highlights four key themes:

                                             I.          People and Cultures:

This theme encourages students to explore the diversity of human societies, their traditions, and cultures.

                                          II.          Livelihoods of People:

This theme delves into the economic aspects of society, focusing on how people make a living and the factors that influence their livelihoods.

                                        III.          Human-Environment Interconnectedness and Interaction:

This theme explores the complex relationship between humans and the environment, emphasizing sustainability and environmental issues.

                                        IV.          Democracy and Governance:

This theme focuses on political structures, governance, and democratic principles, helping students understand the functioning of governments and political systems.


4.    Questions Related to Various Social Sciences:

The framework encourages the use of questions related to history, geography, political science, and economics within these themes. This approach allows for a multidisciplinary perspective, as students can explore and analyze these themes through the lenses of different social sciences, promoting a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the subjects.

Ref: National Curriculum Framework for School Education 2023

Prashant Divekar

Jnana Prabodhini, Pune


  1. Sir, What is your take on different Boards using the same guideline document but covering more or less content? for eg CBSE may have Panchayat systems taught at shallow level and give more weightage to French Governance. Mah Balbharti would do the opposite. How can parents or students decide what could be more beneficial?


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