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Analyzing a Concept with reference to NCF 2023: Social Science: 2. Unit Planning

                 Analyzing a Concept with reference to NCF 2023: Social Science: 2

Unit Planning with Multidisciplinary Approach

Concept:  Monsoon: India's Hydrological Cycle

Grade: Secondary

Curricular goal:

To foster a comprehensive understanding of India's hydrological cycle and its influence on various aspects of social sciences, geography, history, politics, economics, and environmental science.


Multidisciplinary thinking, interdisciplinary collaboration, and critical analysis of various dimension related to topic 


·       To engage students in a multidisciplinary exploration of India's hydrological cycle, covering its geographical, historical, political, economic, and ecological aspects.

·       To enable students to understand the ecological impacts of the monsoon on India local flora and fauna, human life.

·       To analyze rainfall patterns and their influence on human life and occupations using statistical data and mathematical tools.

·       To encourage critical thinking through debates and discussions on water resource management in India.

·       To facilitate the viewing and analysis of documentaries about India's hydrological cycle and its regional impacts.

Suggestive pedagogical method:

Inquiry-based learning, group presentations, film analysis, and creative writing. Multidisciplinary approach, discussions, documentary viewing.


Activity Plan / Lesson Plan Components and Sequence of activities:

·       Activity 1: Introduction (Experience or Do):

Begin the lesson with a short video introducing the importance of India's hydrological cycle and its influence on various aspects of society and the environment. This will pique students' interest and activate their prior knowledge.

·       Activity 2: Observation/ Review :

Ask students to review and reflect on the key takeaways from the video. Discuss the interconnectedness of the hydrological cycle with physics, geography, history, politics, economics, and environmental science.

·       Activity 3: Conceptualization/Think:

Divide students into smaller groups, each focusing on one of the multidisciplinary aspects about science, geography, history, politics, economics, and environmental science about monsoon.

·       Activity 4: Discussion and Sharing (plan):

Organize group discussions where students share their findings and insights from their respective studies. Encourage them to connect their findings to other dimensions explored by their peers.

·       Activity 5: Reflection (Plan):

Engage students in a reflection activity where they consolidate their understanding of the hydrological cycle and its influence on India. Discuss the ecological, economic, and social implications.

Evaluation Criteria

Formative Assessment:

·       Assessment of students' ability to connect geographical, historical, political, economic, and ecological aspects of the hydrological cycle.

·       Evaluation of students' critical thinking and collaboration during debates, discussions, and role plays.

·       Monitoring of students' research and inquiry skills in relation to water quality and ecological impacts.

Summative Assessment:

·       The summative assessment will be a collaborative comprehensive report or presentation on India's hydrological cycle

·       The assessment will also involve a debate or discussion on water resource management in India.

This experiential learning plan aims to provide students with a holistic understanding of India's hydrological cycle.


Ref: National Curriculum Framework for School Education 2023

Prashant Divekar

Jnana Prabodhini, Pune




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