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Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Model

 Technology Enhanced Teaching - Learning : 1

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Model

                                                                                          Prashant Divekar

                                                                                          Jnana Prabodhini, Pune

The Need for Digital Teacher Training

Despite increased access to computers, the internet, and related technology for students and teachers, schools are facing challenges. They are experiencing difficulty in effectively integrating these technologies into existing curricula and teaching-learning processes.

It is well established that teacher quality has a direct positive influence on student accomplishment. Teachers are expected to employ integrated technology practices in their classrooms to help students learn better.

The integration of technology into teaching has become more and more common in this globalized post-pandemic educational setting. As there is an abundance of technologies available worldwide, teachers need to be careful in designing their technology-integrated lessons. Teachers must be selective in choosing the type of technologies to be used in their classes.


Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Model

1.    Technological knowledge (TK):

Technological knowledge is the knowledge about various technologies ranging from the simplest, such as pencil and paper, to more sophisticated ones, such as digital technologies like digital videos, interactive whiteboards as well as the internet.

2.    Content knowledge (CK):

Content knowledge refers to the knowledge of the content area or the subject matter having to be taught or learned. This knowledge encompasses all the facts, ideas, concepts, and theories related to the specific content area.

3.     Pedagogical knowledge (PK):

Pedagogical knowledge refers to the knowledge of various methods and strategies of teaching and learning as well as of its processes taking place in the classroom. This knowledge includes, among others, the knowledge of classroom management, assessment strategies, and lesson plan development.

4.    Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK):

Pedagogical content knowledge is the knowledge of teaching strategies to effectively deliver or help students learn the specific subject matter in hand. This knowledge varies across content areas and relies heavily on the thorough understanding of the subject matter being taught or learned. Simply put, pedagogical content knowledge is the knowledge of how to teach and help students learn a specific content in multiple ways equally effective for them.

5.    Technological content knowledge (TCK):

Technological content knowledge can be defined as the knowledge of how various technologies can be manipulated to help students practice and learn concepts in a specific content area in new meaningful ways.

6.    Technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK):

Technological pedagogical knowledge refers to the understanding of how various technologies can be integrated into teaching as well as of how those technologies can change the way teachers teach for the better.

7.    Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK):

Technological pedagogical content knowledge encompasses the knowledge teachers should have to be able to integrate technology into their teaching in any content area. By having this knowledge, teachers should possess a thorough understanding of the intricate relationship between the three basic domains of knowledge (TK, CK, and PK) and, hence, be able to teach contents using appropriate methods and technologies.


As the graphic clearly shows,

TPACK is the intersection of three domains knowledge naming Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK),

Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK),

and Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)

with each of which is derived from the intersection of 

three basic knowledge components (technology, pedagogy, and content)


1.    Make list of keywords :







Surface area






Lecture method
















Find matching areas :

Content - Pedagogy

Pedagogy - Technology

Technology – Content

Volume  - Visualization

Visualization - Animation

Animation – Volume

3.     Find best suitable triplet :








Till now we had discussed why and how to integrate technology into the learning cycle, matching technologies with the role of teacher and a framework TPACK which will help us to think differently to redefine and reorganize our lesson plans blending content, pedagogy, and technology.

 Such frameworks help us to modify and redefine our lessons to integrate technology into the teaching-learning process so that our lessons can become much more learner centred, engaging and collaborative.

Good technology integration is not about using

 a model or framework like TPACK

but it’s about awareness of teachers regarding the available range of options

and picking the right strategy to improve student’s participation in the learning process.

     Prashant Divekar

                                                                                        Jnana Prabodhini, Pune

Templet for TPACK Analysis




1.    Make list of keywords :
















2.    Find matching areas :


Content - Pedagogy

Pedagogy - Technology

Technology – Content







3.    Find best suitable triplet :










                                                                                         Prashant Divekar

                                                                                        Jnana Prabodhini, Pune


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