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Book Review : Microbe Hunters


Book Review : Microbe Hunters

Book Name : Microbe Hunters

Writer of book : Paul Henry de Kruif

                          Paul Henry de Kruif was an American microbiologist and an author. Microbe Hunters is a timeless science classic. Microbe Hunter is a tale of man's striving to understand the invisible world  around him.  The book illustrates stories of the scientists, bacteriologists, doctors, and medical technicians who discovered microbes and invented the vaccines to counter them.

This science classic histories the pioneering bacteriological work  of the first scientists to eplore the microscopic world. De Kruif reveals the now apparently simple but  really fundamental discoveries of science - for instance, how a microbe was first viewed in a clear drop of rain water. For the first time ever, Louis Pasteur discovered that a simple vaccine could save a man from the ravages of rabies by attacking the microbes that cause it.

This book is the briefing for all further reading in microbes, disease etc. Science background is not essential to understand and appreciate this book elaborates history of science.

The book is divided into chapters as .

LEEUWENHOEK: First of the Microbe Hunters,

PASTEUR: Microbes Are a Menace!,

PASTEUR: And the Mad Dog,

ROSS VS. GRASSI: Malaria, etc.

The story of success and failures of each scientist and his hunt is clearly articulated and linked across time so that you get the appreciation of how modern scientists are always standing on shoulders of those before.


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