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Beyond Passive Participation: Insights from Experiences

 Experiential Learning: 1

Beyond Passive Participation: Insights from Experiences 

Twenty years ago, I resided in Saraswati Bungalow, nestled within the Padmavati area of Pune, India. On a Sunday morning in the second week of June, at the gates of my accommodation someone was a calling me the early hours, between 6 to 6:30 am. Vivek Ponkshe Sir, thrilled about his newly acquired Kawasaki, asked me to accompany him for an early morning drive.

That time the construction of Temghar Dam was nearing completion. Plans were in place to impound water in the dam area, leading to the displacement of farms, bastis, villages, and entire settlements.

Our journey led us to villages and agricultural communities nestled within the backwater region of Temghar Dam. Witnessing people hurriedly dismantling their homes, which had been roots of shelter and sustenance for generations, was deeply distressing. The imminent submergence compelled them to make painful decisions – whether to relocate to neighboring areas or resettle in newly designated colonies by Government, far away from the dam, with different landscapes and climates from their ancestral homes.

These scenes mirrored the narratives depicted in novels like 'Zhada Zhadati' by Vishwas Patil, vividly portraying the lives and hardships of people deeply rooted ancestral lands, now forced to leave due to the dam's construction.         

Amidst the scorching summer heat, during our travels, we enjoyed wild berries, blackberries, and delicious Rayval mangoes. Stopping at a house in one of these village settlements, we met a 14 to 15-year-old boy sorting through salvaged belongings from his family's soon-to-be-vacant house. At his house there was a big Jackfruit tree full of Jackfruits.  We showed him our interest to buy some Jackfruits. When we requested a jackfruit from the trees on his property, the boy surprised us, despite the circumstances of painful migration. He offered us a jackfruit and declined any payment for it. We again requested him to take payment then he expressed that they did not sell their jackfruits when someone is at their doorstep. His refusal to accept money for the fruit, amidst their house being dismantled and their impending relocation causing economic loss, left us astounded by his selflessness.

The subsequent Saturday, during prayers at the Upasana Mandir, Vivekrao shared this experience with students, contemplating the life and cultural values that might have influenced the boy's actions. He delved into the Indian ethos, citing instances like farmers who, despite selling milk for a living, refrain from accepting money when offering it to friends or neighbours, viewing it as more than a mere transaction. He further elaborated the Indian principles of 'Atithi Devo Bhava' (treating guests as gods) and 'You have to share and offer what you have' when asked by a Yachak as alms. He further shared examples of Harishchandra and Shibi, known for their generosity and hospitality towards their subjects and guests. With reference to the boy’s narration, he elaborated reflections of the deeply ingrained ethos and values of Indian society, practiced as part of daily tasks or rituals.

Both Vivek Rao and I witnessed same environment, statues of human life, suffering of people due to migration and to the boy's statement.  Experiencing the same event yet deriving different understanding and meanings from it.

Vivek Rao's contemplation and reflection on our travel surprised me and exhibited me a way to connect occurring’s around us with life. Reflecting upon such instances shapes our understanding of life values and their connection to Indian culture. The incident echoed the deeply rooted cultural and moral fabric ingrained in Indian society, emphasizing the essence of giving without expectation, a lesson that continues to resonate in today's world.

One can observe and reflect everyday experiences

through a lens of Indian ethos and values.

As a learner, mere presence during an event does not ensure a meaningful experience. Passive participation or simply being present does not necessarily result in a profound understanding or takeaway.

True experience steams from what one registers, absorbs, and connects with, not merely present or participate.

Meaningful experiences are derived from the depth of engagement. The depth engagement is figured by depth of registration, absorption, and connection.  

These three key components contribute to a genuine experience:

Registration: Actively taking note of what is happening around us.

Absorption: Internalizing and assimilating the situation.

Connection: Establishing a personal or emotional link to the experience.

Our level of engagement (registration, absorption, and connection) significantly shapes what we learn and how we articulate our understanding of the experience and how we express our learning.

The depth of our involvement

determines the depth of knowledge and insights 

 gained from experience.

To design effective experiential learning, teachers should move beyond activities of passive presence to activities which foster active engagement. This necessitates creating experiences that encourage participants to register, absorb, and emotionally connect with the content.

At Janan Prabodhini, our aim is to use subjects like mathematics, languages, and social sciences not just as academic disciplines but as tools to equip students in addressing societal and national challenges.

 Through my travels and tours with Vivekrao Ponkshe sir, I had discovered a path to curate meaningful learning experiences.

In this series focused on experiential learning, I will share insights into the experiences, ideas and designs of experiences, and lessons learned while organizing various experiential learning activities. 

Prashat Divekar 

Jnana Prabodhini, Pune 


  1. Looking forward to....
    Remembering Vivek ponkshe sir

  2. Great participation really teaches you a lot...

  3. I got to spend a very limited period with Ponkshe Sir. Yet I carry some seemingly simple yet very profound life long memories about education from him.


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