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Book Review : TED TALKS: The official TED guide to Public Speaking


TED TALKS: The official TED guide to Public Speaking

: Chris Anderson

Everyone has fear of public speaking. This book highlights the power of communication through public speaking and the ability to change opinions of an audience by framing an idea in a specific way.

TED TALKS, TEDx are very popular talks across the world. ‘TED: Ideas worth spreading’ began as conference where technology, entertainment, design conversed and today they converge all aspects of human life. TED’s mission is to nurture the spread of powerful ideas. TED TED TALKS have proved that, a talk can electrify and transform an audience’s view.

Chris Anderson is head of TED, a non-profit organization that provides idea-based talks. As host of TED TALKS, Chris Anderson has witnessed and mentored many speakers. He shares incites from popular speakers as Sir Ken Robinson, Bill Gates, Matt Ridely, Salman Khan and many more.  This book is compilation of observations and interactions with TED speakers to find formula for public speaking.

To nurture art of public speaking ‘idea’ building is very important and one should focus on connection, narration, explanation, persuasion and revelation to share your idea with audience. The ‘idea’ connects between the speaker and audience is important. This book shares everything from how to craft your talk’s content to how you can be most effective on stage.

‘TED TALKS : The official TED guide to Public Speaking’ by Chris Anderson rather than offering formulas and list of do’s and don’ts the book shares stories of both successful talks and those that didn’t go well.

For teachers to develop Art of speaking beyond classroom this book is a guide to develop dialogue with audience.

Click to watch Chris Anderson’s talk TED's secret to great public speaking 


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